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Advanced Blackjack Card Counting Strategies to Boost Your Win Rate

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy is a live game guide by Royal Circle Club Casino with Low game volatility game, read our review and learn to play blackjack. Lets dive into our in-depth guide on advanced card-counting strategies in blackjack.

If you’re looking to elevate your blackjack skills and maximize your win rate, you’re in the right place. We’ll delve into expert strategies that will give you a significant edge over the house. So, let’s get started on the path to becoming a blackjack pro.

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Details & Information

Casino Royal Circle Club
Live Type Table Slots
RTP 99.5%
Player Odds of Winning 42.22%
Dealer Odds of Winning 49.10% Tie 8.48%
Volatility Low

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Understanding the Fundamentals

Before we dive into the advanced strategies, let’s ensure you have a strong grasp of the basic concepts of card counting. In blackjack, skill plays a more substantial role than luck when compared to games like baccarat, roulette, or Sicbo. With less reliance on luck, players can exert more control over their outcomes. This insight is crucial for your success.


Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: The Basic Strategy

Certainly, here are detailed explanations for how to play different point totals in blackjack:

1)17 Points

  • When you have a total of 17 points, you’re in an intriguing situation. The optimal strategy here is to stand, regardless of the house’s point combination. This is because 17 is a reasonably strong hand, and the risk of busting (exceeding 21) is greater if you hit. Standing provides a stable position in which you force the dealer to make decisions and potentially bust if they have a weak hand.

2)13, 14, 15, 16 Points

If your hand totals 13, 14, 15, or 16 points, your next move depends on the dealer’s face-up card:

  • When the dealer’s card is between 2 and 6, it’s usually best to stand. The reason is that the dealer’s chances of busting are higher with those low-value cards.
  • However, if the dealer’s face-up card is 7, 8, 9, 10, or an Ace, you should hit. This is because the dealer has a higher likelihood of having a stronger hand, and hitting gives you the opportunity to improve your hand.

3) 12 Points

With a hand total of 12 points, the strategy is to stand when the dealer has a 4, 5, or 6 showing. These are weak dealer cards, and the odds of the dealer busting are favorable. However, if the dealer’s face-up card is anything other than 4, 5, or 6, it’s better to hit. The goal is to try and improve your hand because a total of 12 is relatively weak and has a higher risk of busting if you draw a 10-point card.

4) 10, 11 Points

When your hand totals 10 or 11 points, your strategy is based on the value of the dealer’s face-up card:

  • If the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace, it’s generally advisable to hit if you have 10 points (doubling down isn’t recommended here). Hitting gives you a chance to improve your hand, as you’re less likely to bust.
  • However, when you have 11 points and the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace, it’s recommended to double down. This is a strong position, and doubling down can maximize your potential payout.
  • For all other point combinations (10 or 11) when the dealer’s face-up card isn’t an Ace, you should double down. Doubling down is a strategic move that aims to take advantage of your strong starting position and increase your potential winnings.

5) 9 Points

If your hand totals 9 points, the strategy depends on the dealer’s face-up card:

  • If the dealer’s face-up card is 7, 8, 9, 10, or an Ace, it’s better to hit. This is because the dealer is more likely to have a stronger hand, and hitting gives you the opportunity to improve your 9-point hand.
  • For the rest of the dealer’s face-up cards (2 to 6), you should double down. Doubling down here is an aggressive move to capitalize on your strong starting position.

6) 2 to 8 Points

  • For any hand total between 2 and 8 points, the recommended strategy is to hit. These hands are weak, and you have a good chance of improving them by drawing additional cards. While the dealer’s face-up card does play a role in your decision, it’s generally best to hit with these low point totals to work toward a stronger hand.

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Ace’s Strategy

Certainly, here are detailed explanations for how to handle specific Ace pairs in blackjack:

1) A8, A9 (Ace Eight, Ace Nine)

  • With a pair of Aces that total 18 or 19, it’s generally wise to stand, regardless of the house’s points. An Ace paired with an 8 or 9 creates a strong hand that’s already close to 21, which is the best possible total in blackjack.
  • Standing in this situation is a strategic move because the odds of drawing a card that would improve your hand further without busting (going over 21) are lower than the odds of the dealer having a hand strong enough to beat yours.

2) A7 (Ace Seven)

  • When you have an Ace paired with a 7, it’s typically best to hit if the house’s face-up card is an Ace or a 10-point card (10, Jack, Queen, King). This strategy aims to improve your hand’s total, as hitting here gives you a chance to get a stronger hand without risking busting, considering that you’re starting with a relatively weak hand of 18.
  • However, if the dealer’s face-up card is any other value, you should stand. In such cases, the chances of the dealer having a stronger hand are higher, making it safer to keep your 18.

3) A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 (Ace Deuce, Ace Trey, Ace Four, Ace Five, Ace Six)

  • When you have an Ace paired with any of these cards (2 through 6), it’s generally advisable to hit. The reason for hitting is to improve your hand and take advantage of the potential to get a stronger total.
  • The combination of an Ace with any of these cards offers more flexibility in terms of drawing additional cards without a significant risk of busting. In many cases, hitting with these hands is the right decision, especially if the dealer’s face-up card is relatively weak.

These strategies are designed to optimize your chances of winning in blackjack based on the combinations of Aces and other cards you’re dealt, taking into account both the strength of your hand and the dealer’s face-up card.


Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Split Strategy

Certainly, let’s provide more detailed explanations for these blackjack card pairs:

1)A, A (Aces)

  • Always split when you have a pair of Aces. Splitting Aces is essential because it gives you the opportunity to form two strong starting hands, each with the potential to reach 21. This greatly increases your chances of winning. 

2)10, 10 (Tens)

  • With a sum of 20 points when you have a pair of 10s, it’s highly advisable not to split. Keeping your cards together as a total of 20 is already a very strong hand in blackjack. 

3)9, 9 (Nines)

  • When you have a pair of 9s and the house has an Ace or an 8 showing, it’s recommended not to split. This is because the dealer’s Ace indicates a strong potential for the dealer to reach a total of 21, which is difficult to beat. 

4)8, 8 (Eights)

  • Splitting eights is generally a wise decision. This is because having a pair of eights gives you a weak hand with a total of 16 points, which is not strong enough to stand against most dealer hands. 

5)7, 7 (Sevens)

  • When you have a pair of sevens, it’s recommended to split if the dealer’s face-up card has a value between 3 and 8. This strategy takes advantage of the likelihood of improving your position. 

6)6, 6 (Sixes)

  • Split your pair of sixes when the dealer’s face-up card is between 3 and 7. This strategy aims to capitalize on the dealer’s potentially weak starting hand. However, if the dealer’s card is an 8 or higher, it’s better to keep your pair of sixes together.

7)5, 5 (Fives)

  • It’s generally advisable to keep your pair of fives together. Splitting them is not advantageous because you already have a total of 10 points, which is a strong starting hand. There’s no need to risk weakening this position by splitting.

8)4, 4 (Fours)

  • Split your pair of fours when the dealer’s face-up card is a 6 or 7. This is based on the principle that these dealer cards are relatively weak, and by splitting, you have the opportunity to create two better hands. However, if the dealer shows any other card, it’s better to keep your fours together.

9)3, 3 (Threes)

  • Split your pair of threes if the dealer’s face-up card is between 3 and 8. Splitting in this scenario aims to take advantage of the dealer’s potential weakness. However, if the dealer’s card is a 9, 10, or an Ace, it’s better to keep your threes together.

10)2, 2 (Twos)

  • Just like with a pair of fives, it’s usually better to keep your twos together. Splitting them doesn’t provide a significant advantage because you already have a total of 4 points, and splitting may weaken your overall position.

These strategies for splitting pairs in blackjack are based on maximizing your chances of winning while considering the strength of your hand and the dealer’s face-up card.

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Insurance

Insurance comes into play when the house has an Ace showing. Pay half your bet as insurance to protect against the possibility of the dealer hitting blackjack. If the dealer gets a blackjack, the insurance pays out at 1 to 2 odds; otherwise, the bet goes to the dealer for the next phase of the game. To make the right decision, consider the number of face cards remaining.

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Surrender Timing

In most casinos, you can choose to surrender and recoup half of your bet, regardless of the cards you’re facing. The most common scenario for surrender is when the house holds an Ace. Surrender when the dealer has an Ace, as it’s challenging to beat an Ace combined with a 10, 9, or 8. After considering insurance, surrender is often the best option.

Where to Play Blackjack

When you’re ready to apply these advanced strategies, we recommend the Royal Circle Club Casino. This reputable establishment offers the perfect environment to hone your blackjack skills, and their professional dealers ensure a fair and exciting game. With top-notch facilities and a wide range of blackjack tables, you’ll find an ideal setting to implement your newfound expertise.


In conclusion, mastering these advanced card-counting strategies can significantly enhance your blackjack gameplay. By understanding when to stand, hit, double down, or split, and by making wise decisions regarding insurance and surrender, you can boost your win rate and take control of your destiny at the blackjack table. Best of luck, and may your cards be ever in your favor!

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy: Top Casino Bonus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Using advanced card-counting strategies in blackjack can provide you with a significant edge over the house, increasing your chances of winning and maximizing your win rate. These strategies allow you to make more informed decisions during the game and improve your overall gameplay.

To get started with card counting, you should first ensure you have a strong understanding of the basic concepts of blackjack. From there, you can gradually learn and implement advanced strategies. Practice is key, and you can start with online blackjack games before applying your skills in a casino.

Unlike games such as baccarat and roulette, where luck plays a more significant role, blackjack relies more on skill. Skilled players can exert more control over their outcomes, making it a game where strategy and decision-making are crucial.

The decision to stand or hit depends on your hand’s total and the dealer’s face-up card. For example, if you have 17 points, it’s usually best to stand. If you have 13 to 16 points, whether you stand or hit depends on the dealer’s card. Detailed guidelines for different point totals are provided in the article.

The best approach for splitting pairs in blackjack depends on both your pair and the dealer’s face-up card. For example, you should always split when you have a pair of Aces. The article provides comprehensive guidance on when to split and when to keep your pairs.

Insurance in blackjack is a side bet you can place when the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace. It’s used to protect your initial bet against the possibility of the dealer having a blackjack. Whether to use insurance or not depends on the number of face cards remaining, as explained in the article.

Surrender is recommended in blackjack when the house holds an Ace. Surrendering allows you to recoup half of your bet. It’s a strategic move when you’re facing a strong dealer hand with an Ace, which can be challenging to beat.

For applying these advanced strategies, the Royal Circle Club Casino is recommended. This establishment offers a fair and exciting gaming environment with professional dealers, making it an ideal place to hone your skills and implement these strategies.

You can practice and improve your blackjack skills by playing online blackjack games, using strategy guides, and learning from experienced players. Online blackjack games offer a risk-free environment to practice your skills and gain confidence.

The ultimate goal of mastering advanced card-counting strategies is to increase your win rate and take control of your destiny at the blackjack table. By making informed decisions, knowing when to stand, hit, double down, split, and use insurance or surrender, you can significantly improve your chances of winning in this game of skill.


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Blog Manager - Royal Circle Club

Danson Yong

Blog Manager in Royal Circle Club Online Casino

Danson Yong, the creative mind behind the captivating blogs at Royal Circle Club Online Casino, a premier online casino based in the Philippines. With a passion for both gambling and writing, Danson brings a unique blend of expertise to the virtual casino realm. His articles not only delve into the exciting world of online gaming but also provide valuable insights into the latest casino trends, strategies, and player experiences. Through his words, Danson bridges the gap between the thrill of the casino floor and the convenience of online play, making him an indispensable part of the Royal Circle Club team.

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